Northwest style: hoppy with crystal malts
7lbs Light Malt Extract
8 oz Crystal 120L Malt
3 oz Pale Chocolate Malt 250L
4 oz Dextrin (Carapils) Malt
8 oz Crystal 20L Malt
1 oz N. Brewer and 2oz Hallertauer hops total:
1 oz N. Brewer @ 60 minutes
1oz Hallertauer @ 10 minutes
1oz Hallertauer @ 0 minute
2tsp gypsum/1tsp Irish Moss package, added at beginning of boil
Liquid yeast options: 1st choice Wyeast 1056 American 2nd Choice: Wyeast 1098 British or Dry yeast option: Safale S-05
3/4-cup dextrose for bottle priming on bottling day
Starting Gravity:1.051-1.053 ABV: 5.5-5.6% SRM: 15-16 IBU: 36-38
Full recipe (in MS word format):
AMBER ALE.doc (41.50 kb)